Specialist business to business (B2B) ratings and review platform Clutch has identified Tomedes as one of the leading B2B companies in Asia and Africa in 2018.
Each year, Clutch undertakes extensive analysis to find the leading B2B firms in Africa and Greater Asia. It evaluates a wide range of factors, both quantitative and qualitative, with client feedback considered as a priority focus.
For 2018, Clutch has flagged up some 224 companies across Asia and Africa as the leading regional B2B resources. Tomedes is delighted to have been named as one of just 29 companies in Israel to make the grade. Israel is known for being a magnet for innovative and exciting companies, particularly tech start-ups and disruptors. As such, being highlighted as one of just a handful of leading B2B companies is an exceptional achievement.
Under the guidance of CEO Ofer Tirosh, Tomedes has been providing professional translation services to businesses around the world for the past decade. Passion for linguistics and language translation are at the heart of the company. Today, Tomedes is proud to be a translation and localization company that works in over 90 languages, with clients ranging from exciting start-ups to long-established blue chip companies.
Being hailed by Clutch as one of 2018’s leading B2B businesses is testament to the hard work that the Tomedes team undertakes in order to ensure that the business remains up to date with what clients need. That means identifying new trends and shaping services to meet the needs of those who use them. Video translation, post-editing machine translation and voice search/SEO translation are all top of the priority list for 2019, based on customer demand.
With a strong emphasis on customer service and one eye firmly on the future, Tomedes is well positioned to continue serving business customers for the remainder of 2018, maintaining its position as one of Asia and Africa’s leading B2B companies.
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