Running an international business isn’t always easy. It can be incredibly rewarding and profitable, but it can also be exceptionally hard work at times. And when you’re in charge, it’s essential to lead with positivity and professionalism at all times, in order to inspire all those who work for you to do the same.
Keeping a company’s international momentum going in the face of challenging economic or political circumstances can be difficult, but there are plenty of tools that leaders can use to help them on their journey to keep staff and customers inspired and engaged.
As 2019 approaches, many companies are using translation to give their sales a final boost before Christmas. Translation services can help with the sales funnel in a number of ways. The most obvious is the provision of website translation, which allows businesses to showcase their goods to overseas audiences. However, social media translation can also play a big role in driving up sales figures.
Facebook reports that more than 50 million small businesses use Facebook Pages to connect with their customers. What’s more, Facebook has been shown to influence 52% of consumers’ online and offline purchases. And that’s just one social media site.
Businesses can no longer afford to ignore the power of social media. For those looking to keep their momentum going at a global level, accurate social media translation is essential. Machine translation won’t cut it – it isn’t reliable enough to produce the high quality, localized translations that are influential in moving customers along the sales pipeline. Human translation is what’s required.
Translating customer reviews can also have a beneficial impact on sales figures. Some 84% of consumers trust online reviews as much as recommendations from their friends. As such, a company that translates its reviews has an incredible resource available with which to impress potential customers around the world.
Translation can also work wonders when it comes to motivating staff teams. Managing a geographically diverse workforce while keeping everyone enthused about the future of the company takes skill and attention to details. Part of the process is ensuring that staff feel valued and part of something special.
Communicating with staff in their own language is an important part of this process. Email and newsletter translation mean that corporate messages can reach staff in every country and language in which the business operates. Enthusiasm, engagement, positive and more can ramp up as a result, showcasing the value of translation when it comes to motivating a global workforce.
Another way that business leaders can keep their momentum going in 2019 is to start planning their translation needs now. In the hectic run-up to Christmas and New Year, it’s easy to view the first couple of weeks of January as something of a downtime. However, companies who plan ahead are able to start the New Year with fresh marketing campaigns to keep their global momentum up.
While many of us are browsing the internet in early January, and wishing we hadn’t eaten quite so many mince pies (though not feeling guilty enough to actually keep the New Year’s resolution about going to the gym more), it will be the adverts from proactive companies that keep popping up. Those companies have the chance to put in the work now in order to give 2019 a bumper start.
Is your company planning proactively and using translation to keep its international momentum going? If not, there’s no time like the present!
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