Tomedes was established to make high quality professional translation services available to everyone for low rates. This is a big order, as language translation can be required for text related to just about anything. But keeping with our original objective, we keep adding to our language translation services and providing quick and high quality translation for everyone.
A death certificate is one such document for which we have provided language translation services since quite some time. While working on translating death certificates we realized how important they were and that many significant decisions were dependant on death certificates. These decisions, ranging from inheritance issues to life insurance compensation could be delayed if the original death certificate was not in a language that the concerned decision makers could understand.
At Tomedes we have the best professional translation providers working with us and consistently getting satisfactory feedback from our translation clients. Our huge team of language translation providers is drawn from a global pool of translation talent. We have language translators specializing in a wide range of language pairs, and you can expect to get death certificate translations between almost any language pair.
Moreover, Tomedes has a highly efficient automated business flow which ensures that every translation job is awarded to the most suitable language translator with a competitive bid. You can get a better idea of our translation rates by getting for yourself an instant translation quote from the top menu. If you have any other queries or requests please feel free to get in touch with us using our contact form.