Portuguese Language Translation:
Europe to South America
English to Portuguese translation can vary in many ways, depending upon which continent the audience lives. The Portuguese language is the official language for, and spoken by the people of, countries in Africa, Europe, South America (Brazil), and to a lesser extent, Asia and Oceania. There are some differences between Brazilian and European Portuguese, and even further still, differences for African Portuguese.
- Brazilian Portuguese is understood by the European Portuguese, but the reverse is not always true. This is because Portugal often broadcasts Brazilian t.v. shows, radio, etc, but Brazilians rarely, if ever, hear European Portuguese.
- Though for the most part the various dialects and regional variations of Portuguese are mutually intelligible, the differences are primarily in the accents and vocabulary, although grammatical differences are also pronounced in several dialects.
- Differences can occur grammatically in infinitives and gerunds. Again, the Brazilian way of speaking may be acceptable or also correct in Portugal, but the Portuguese way of speaking may come across odd or out of place in Brazil.
- There are regional dialects of Brazilian Portuguese as well. In general, the more removed from metropolitan areas and cities, the more that European Portuguese will not work for Brazilians.
Differences like these are important to remember, in order to ensure you are given the correct regional Portuguese language translation for any given document. If your audience for a product or service is primarily Brazilian, you would not want to use European English to Portuguese translation. Tomedes has a network of over 5,000 translators worldwide, including both Brazilian and European Portuguese translators.