The High Demend for Mobile App Translation
If you glance through any professional IT freelance website, you'll find that most help wanted listings revolve around the same several types of jobs. One job that has sky-rocketed within the last year and a half, and increasingly makes its way toward the most requested freelance IT skill – is mobile phone software and app development. And right behind it? Mobile app translation, close on its heels of demand.
In the world of mobile tech business, globalization is everything. Which means professional, accurate, localized technical translation of software applications are crucial to the sale of any given mobile app. No 18 yr old Vietnamese student wants a mobile app on his new Droid phone that uses faulty Vietnamese or mobile app language that barely makes sense. The better the translation of a mobile app, the better it will sell within that particular foreign language market.
Requests for software and software application translation at our translation company are simple. Simply use the menu on the left to obtain a quote, or, for more precise information or to answer your questions, simply email us at Send your original documents or files, language pair(s) to be translated, when you need it, and any other pertinent details. We'll have a reply and estimate sent back in a hurry. That's all there is to it.
The Value of Technical Translation to Mobile Phone Industry
The iPhone brought about a demand for new mobile phone apps and mobile app translation never seen before, which has only continued to increase in demand – but the supply for such technical language translation whether for business or pleasure – has remained roughly the same. After all, heavily technical IT translation and software localization is not something someone can learn with a 2 year trade school degree. It takes years of specialized training to learn a language well enough to translate technical jargon, especially within IT industries. This is why Tomedes remains at the top of professional translation companies when it comes to specialized business and technical translations. We provide the supply for a market whose demand is continually expanding. We've been providing phone app translation, software translation, localization, and much more, long before it became trendy to create a new iPhone app or develop a new Droid game.
Technical IT and business translation we've provided for clients in the past has ranged from English to Romanian translation for a corporate website, Japanese translation of iPhone 4 apps, iPad application translation into several languages, Chinese gaming website translation, medical software translation, and much, much more. Technical translation is needed for hundreds – maybe thousands – of various businesses and industries. This is why our global network of translators specializing in hundreds of industries - is both the best resource and the best approach for a professional translation company. But even this doesn't make us the best. Its the end result, the completed translation, that distinguishes us. Our meticulous strides to produce perfect translations every time is what sets us apart from any other language translation service. So next time you come across a mobile phone app that's impeccably translated – think about Tomedes.