Educational translations have the potential to cover a wide range of different subjects: anything you think that people might like to learn about, whatever age they happen to be, are covered by this service. To say that a good educational translation requires a professional translator is to say the least! At Tomedes, we are pleased to work with a number of excellent translators from all over the globe, many of whom specialize in very specific educational sectors.
A recent client we worked with provides a good example of this: our client represented an environmental care consultancy group based in New Hampshire, U.S. The consultancy group works with companies and universities, and also takes on private students. The company aims to make its clients and students more aware of the impact they have on the environment, and to instruct them on how to take steps to mitigate it.
The client asked us to produce an accurate Swahili translation of the company's student resources, so that it could start offering its course to even more students. After we sent the client a quotation at a very affordable rate, the client gave the go-ahead for the project to continue.
A Swahili translator with a detailed knowledge of educational literature and a keen interest in environmental issues was selected to work on the project. The resources included sections detailing personal actions that could be taken to live in a more environmentally-aware manner, outdoor safety and risk-management skills, and various other topics.
It wasn't long until the completed translation was returned to the client, and the client thanked our translator for her accurate translation and quick service. Hopefully we'll hear from this client again soon.