Low Translation Rates, Fast Turnaround &
Convenient Swedish Translation
Because Swedish-English partnerships are supported in so many industries, Tomedes has provided professional Swedish translation for many clients, often within only a few hours. Our translators are equipped with industry specific knowledge and experience, so you are guaranteed the most qualified Swedish document translation team for any given industry.
Additionally, our translation service costs are up to 75% less than other translation companies, while also producing accurate, fast translation turnaround. Unlike most online professional translation services, Tomedes does not require your email address or any other personal information to provide a quote on a Swedish to English translation, or any others. You never have to leave the site or worry about unwanted email. Contact us at info@tomedes.com for information on audio, complex or technical translations, or help with unanswered questions. You can also connect to our free live chat, available 24 hours, for immediate consultation.