May 03, 2012

By Ofer Tirosh Stats for Tomedes Translation Company

Tomedes, like thousands of other translation agencies, companies and outsourcers, has maintained an account on for years, in order to recruit translators for various translation projects, and also as another avenue through which clients can request our translation services.  Because there are literally thousands - even tens of thousands - of translation agencies on ProZ, you can imagine how challenging it would be to stand out in the crowd.  It is not an easy task, among so many language service providers, translation agencies and companies, all providing similar services, and all recruiting translators.

This is why we are especially tickled with our statistics and ratings, as rendered by professional translators who have worked with Tomedes.  We value our translators, and it is extremely important to us to maintain not only good client relationships, but good employer and outsourcing relations with the translators that make our services possible.  This is reflected with our overall score of 4.9 on a 5 scale rating. 

Professional Translator Feedback via

Here are just a few of the comments left recently by translators who work with Tomedes:

"Excellent project management.  I have been happy working with them."

"Very good partner and professional team.  I hope to work with you again!"

"Excellent company to work with.  Really good communication. Payment on time, nice experience."

"Professional project managment, good communication and prompt payment."

"We have been working together for some years, and I can only recommend them."

There are many, many other translator feedback comments like this, all with similar sentiments toward communication, prompt payment and translation project management.  It is rewarding and encouraging when our hard work is noticed and appreciated by our translators, who make an extra effort by publicly acknowledging our dedication to providing the highest quality language translation services and equally high quality working relationships with our translators.

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24/7 Human Support

1 Year Guarantee

95,000 Business Customers